ACCESSdocs Industries Provides Innovative
Software Solutions And Services

Information And Document Management Solutions
The size of a particular company doesn't really matter when someone considers the need to utilize affordable, efficient, secure, and dependable document management software for their firm.
Our solutions can be either premise based running on your internal systems, or cloud based and fully hosted by our professionals with no oversight required by your employees.

Integrated Secure File Sharing Software Solutions
With our sharing solutions it easy to share documents securely with others — such as customers, vendors and business associates. You simply upload documents to a password-protected account via a standard web browser.
When a shared file is viewed or downloaded - tracking logs are populated providing an Audit trail that details every touch point or access with that secured file.

Forms Processing And Data Extraction Solutions
Manually keying data opens up the potential for human error, and definitely raises your labor costs. Forms processing software eliminates manual data entry, a process that drains both profit and productivity
With configurable data entry and processes that can include steps such as database look ups, and index validation - you can be sure that the data you enter, and the data you run your business on is good from the very start.

Easy To Use Document Capture Software Solutions
Enhance productivity with document capture and asset management software from Kodak Alaris. Maximize functionality when by pairing class-leading software solutions from Kodak Alaris with high-quality, accurate Kodak Alaris branded scanners.
You can also use your existing third party scanners to work with selected solutions to get the most of your existing equipment.

Best Of Breed Production Scanning Equipment
Both large and small organizations require high quality commercial scanning solutions to minimize downtime and keep work flowing through your processes.
Ideal for busy environments, Kodak Alaris branded desktop, departmental, and production scanners from Kodak Alaris are simple to use and seamlessly integrate with your capture and document management applications.

System Integration Utilities
And Software Solutions
Let us put together a solution to integrate the various systems in your facility so they are able to work cohesively as a single unit, and bring the benefits of information sharing to your knowledge workers.
With the growing use of cloud based applications many new software solutions can be integrated with your in-house applications.

Flexible eSign Electronic Signature Solutions
Our electronic signature solution automatically appends pre-defined signature pages to documents, forms, and contracts. With our eSign solution users can define and enforce the order of signers to ensure consistency in defined approval processes.
ACCESSdocs eSign solution modernizes and simplifies the creation and management of forms you use in your business, allowing employees in your firm more time to focus on other productive tasks.

Process And System Analysis And Consulting Services
Our consulting and process analysis services will enable the smooth implementation of your digital transformation projects so they are successful from the start. ACCESSdocs has provided solutions and ideas that have helped firms in this area for over twenty years.
Let us assess your environment, provide you several options, then implement the best choice solution while taking the heavy lifting off of your employees shoulders.

Legacy Records Back File Document Conversions
ACCESSdocs has successfully converted millions of files for clients across the country, then shredded and recycled the paper in the post process. Most firms fall into the pattern of retaining paper which ultimately becomes a problem when critical information is needed and can't be found, or worse yet - lost when disaster strikes. We use high-speed state-of-the-art scanners with built-in image enhancement, optical character recognition and barcode recognition software to capture information efficiently then populate that information into your document management system.